January 26, 2011

What is "⌘" and "⌥"?

Those 2 symbols are used on Apple keyboards.

Features different from other keyboards include:
The Command key (⌘)
The Option key (⌥)

So, that's why I use those 2 symbols in SmartPlaylist:
⌘ for different commands (tools)
⌥ for different options to load a list

Bug with (corrupted?) artwork

There are some songs with a kind of corrupted artwork in them, which make SmartPlaylist crash. Reason: The artwork has a size of 0 by 0 pixels. With v4.9 SmartPlaylist will detect that and treat it as "no artwork".

Add "real" artwork
Create new mp3 from "corrupt" song

Hidden feature: Secondary sorting

UPDATE: This can now (v5.1) be done "officially" in the "Mix" options -- see here.

With the new Limits feature you can apply a secondary sorting criteria, as this example shows:

  1. Set Play Count as primary sorting criteria ("Sort 0...n ⇣")
  2. Set "Limit list to 9999 titles", selected by "least recently played"

Like that the titles will be ordered by Play Count, and within the same Play Count they are ordered by Last Played, with the least often and least recently played songs on top.

Comments work again in iOS 4.3 beta 2

It seems that Comments again can be used in iOS 4.3 (beta 2). Let's hope that it will stay like that.