March 30, 2018

SmartPlaylist and iOS 11.3

iOS 11.3 has fortunately corrected some of the iOS 11 problems described in previous posts.

But is has also introduced the following problems in the music player:

  • The current playback rate can no longer be used and changed. This means SmartPlaylist can no longer slow down or speed up the playback (Playback options: Tempo +/- 0.2). This feature will therefore be removed in the next version of SmartPlaylist  until it works again. But I doubt this will ever come back, just like the "shuffle by album" feature has not come back (see here)
  • The previous playback position is (sometimes) ignored when starting to play a song after having reloaded the list. Luckily there is a hack which should make this work again in the next version of SmartPlaylist. (UPDATE: Fixed in SmartPlaylist v11.1.2)

March 07, 2018

Save/restore search rules of ALL playlists (A-Z) to/from iCloud

With the new version v11.1.0 of SmartPlaylist you can now save the search rules of ALL playlists (A-Z) to iCloud and restore the search rules of ALL playlists (A-Z) from iCloud with one command, respectively:

In this example with SmartPlaylist B all commands starting with "B: ..." will be applied only to playlist B. The two commands for "A-Z" (marked orange) will process all playlists A-Z.